Beaulieu sur dordogne
Beaulieu sur dordogne

beaulieu sur dordogne

beaulieu sur dordogne

The population density of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne is 148.90 inhabitants per km². The population of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne was 1 278 in 1999, 1 287 in 2006 and 1 288 in 2007. (The distances to these nearby towns of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne are calculated as the crow flies) Population and housing of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne : The latitude and longitude of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne are 44.978 degrees North and 1.838 degrees East. The Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne surface is 8.65 km ². The altitude of the city hall of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne is approximately 150 meters. Geography and map of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne :


The area code for Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne is 19019 (also known as code INSEE), and the Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne zip code is 19120. The town of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne is located in the township of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne part of the district of Brive-la-Gaillarde. The town of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne is located in the department of Corrèze of the french region Limousin. Duration 2h 34m Frequency 5 times a day Estimated price 950 ₴ - 2 000 ₴ Website Oui.The village of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne is a small french village located center of France. Train from Brive La Gaillarde to Toulouse MatabiauĪve. Duration 2h 3m Frequency Every 4 hours Estimated price 600 ₴ - 1 400 ₴ Website Oui.SNCF 2nd Class 600 ₴ - 900 ₴ Rail 1st Class 900 ₴ - 1 400 ₴ Train from Brive La Gaillarde to Bordeaux St JeanĪve. Train from Brive La Gaillarde to Limoges BenedictinsĪve. Duration 42 min Frequency 4 times a day Estimated price 260 ₴ - 750 ₴ Website Oui.SNCF 2nd Class 260 ₴ - 370 ₴ Rail 1st Class 490 ₴ - 750 ₴ Train from Bretenoux Biars to Brive La GaillardeĪve. Train from Clermont Ferrand to Lyon Part DieuĪve. Duration 2h 27m Frequency 6 times a week Estimated price 650 ₴ - 1 200 ₴ Website Oui.SNCF 2nd Class 650 ₴ - 950 ₴ Rail 1st Class 800 ₴ - 1 200 ₴ Duration 1h 2m Frequency 3 times a day Estimated price 320 ₴ - 850 ₴ Website Oui.SNCF 2nd Class 320 ₴ - 460 ₴ Rail 1st Class 550 ₴ - 850 ₴Īve. The railway network consists of about 32,000km in total, of which 1800km are high-speed lines and 14,500km are electrified.Īve. Book up to 3 months in advance for the cheapest fares. It also operates international routes including Eurostar and Thalys, as well as the low-cost, long-distance Ouigo services that run on limited routes across France. SNCF runs the country’s extensive rail network, including the high-speed TGV network, regional TER trains and local Intercités. Duration 42 min Frequency 4 times a day Estimated price 750 ₴ - 1 400 ₴ Website Swiss Railways (SBB/CFF/FFS)įrance’s state-owned railway company is a fast and efficient way of travelling around the country, with over 14,000 trains operating daily.

beaulieu sur dordogne

Train from Bretenoux-Biars to Brive-la-GaillardeĪve. Duration 2h 25m Frequency Every 4 hours Estimated price 2 600 ₴ - 4 700 ₴ Website Swiss Railways (SBB/CFF/FFS) Train from Clermont-Ferrand to Lyon Part DieuĪve. Duration 2h 26m Frequency 4 times a day Estimated price 1 700 ₴ - 3 100 ₴ Website Swiss Railways (SBB/CFF/FFS) Duration 1h 2m Frequency 4 times a day Estimated price 900 ₴ - 1 700 ₴ Website Swiss Railways (SBB/CFF/FFS)Īve. Individual tickets can be bought easily at stands, while a variety of travel passes are on offer to suit different travel needs.Īve. Tickets are sold in two classes - First and Second - with most long-distance trains offering a bistro car serving beverages and snacks. The national railway company of Switzerland, Swiss Railways operates trains throughout the country and adjacent European nations including Germany, France, Italy and Austria.

Beaulieu sur dordogne